Loading... ## 1、用户冻结解冻 用户冻结/解冻使用管理员在后台系统对用户的惩罚措施。对于发布不当言论或者违法违规内容的用户,可以暂时、永久禁止其登录,评论,发布动态、 后台中解冻/冻结,就是将用户状态写入数据库中 APP端用户在进行登录,评论,发布动态时检测Redis中冻结状态 ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/4236417446.png) ### 1.1 用户冻结 #### ManageController ```java //用户冻结 @PostMapping("/users/freeze") public ResponseEntity freeze(@RequestBody Map params) { Map map = managerService.userFreeze(params); return ResponseEntity.ok(map); } ``` #### ManageService ```java //用户冻结 public Map userFreeze(Map params) { Integer freezingTime = (Integer) params.get("freezingTime"); Long userId = (Long) params.get("userId"); int days = 0; if (freezingTime == 1) { days = 3; } if (freezingTime == 2) { days = 7; } if (freezingTime == 3) { days = -1; } String value = JSON.toJSONString(params); redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(Constants.FREEZE_USER+userId,value,days, TimeUnit.MINUTES); Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("message","冻结成功"); return map; } ``` ### 1.2 用户解冻 #### ManageController ```java //用户解冻 @PostMapping("/users/unfreeze") public ResponseEntity unfreeze(@RequestBody Map params) { Map map = managerService.userUnfreeze(params); return ResponseEntity.ok(map); } ``` #### ManageService ```java //用户解冻 public Map userUnfreeze(Map params) { Long userId = (Long) params.get("userId"); String reasonsForThawing = (String) params.get("reasonsForThawing"); redisTemplate.delete(Constants.FREEZE_USER+userId); Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("message","解冻成功"); return map; } ``` ### 1.3 查询数据列表 #### UserInfo 添加字段 ```java //用户状态,1为正常,2为冻结 @TableField(exist = false) private String userStatus = "1"; ``` #### ManageService ```java public ResponseEntity findById(Long userId) { UserInfo info = userInfoApi.findById(userId); if(redisTemplate.hasKey(Constants.FREEZE_USER+info.getId())) { info.setUserStatus("2"); } return ResponseEntity.ok(info); } ``` #### 1.4 探花系统修改 #### UserFreezeService ```java @Service public class UserFreezeService { @Autowired private RedisTemplate<String,String> redisTemplate; public void checkUserStatus(Integer state,Long userId) { String value = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(Constants.FREEZE_USER + userId); if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { Map map = JSON.parseObject(value, Map.class); Integer freezingRange = (Integer) map.get("freezingRange"); if(freezingRange == state) { throw new BusinessException(ErrorResult.builder().errMessage("您的账号被冻结!").build()); } } } } ``` ## 2、数据统计 后台系统首页中,显示各种统计数据,比如:累计用户数、新增用户数、登录次数等内容。 1、探花系统将用户操作日志写入RabbitMQ 2、管理后台获取最新消息,构造日志数据存入数据库 3、加入统计表,定时统计 ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/2014801166.png) ### 2.1 数据采集 1、探花系统将用户操作日志写入RabbitMQ 2、管理后台获取最新消息,构造日志数据存入数据库 #### 2.1.1 部署RabbitMQ 探花交友所需的第三方服务组件,已经以Docker-Compose准备好了。仅仅需要进入相关目录,以命令形式启动运行即可 ```shell #进入目录 cd /root/docker-file/rmq/ #创建容器并启动 docker-compose up –d #查看容器 docker ps -a ``` 服务地址:[]( 管理后台:[]( #### 2.1.2 消息类型说明 探花项目间使用RabbitMQ收发消息,这里采用topic类型消息 日志消息key规则:log.xxx ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/848156763.png) #### 2.1.3 实体类对象 ##### Log ```java package com.tanhua.model.domain; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; @Data @Builder @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class Log { /** * id */ private Long id; /** * 用户id */ private Long userId; /** * 操作时间 */ private String logTime; /** * 操作类型, * 0101为登录,0102为注册, * 0201为发动态,0202为浏览动态,0203为动态点赞,0204为动态喜欢,0205为评论,0206为动态取消点赞,0207为动态取消喜欢, * 0301为发小视频,0302为小视频点赞,0303为小视频取消点赞,0304为小视频评论 */ private String type; /** * 登陆地点 */ private String place; /** * 登陆设备 */ private String equipment; public Log(Long userId, String logTime, String type) { this.userId = userId; this.logTime = logTime; this.type = type; } } ``` ##### Analysis ```java package com.tanhua.model.domain; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import java.util.Date; @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Builder public class Analysis{ private Long id; /** * 日期 */ private Date recordDate; /** * 新注册用户数 */ private Integer numRegistered = 0; /** * 活跃用户数 */ private Integer numActive = 0; /** * 登陆次数 */ private Integer numLogin = 0; /** * 次日留存用户数 */ private Integer numRetention1d = 0; private Date created; } ``` #### 2.1.4 发送日志消息 ```java @Autowired private AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate; public void login() { ……… //构造Map集合 Map<String, Object> msg = new HashMap<>(); msg.put(“userId”, UserHolder.getUserId().toString()); msg.put(“date", System.currentTimeMillis()); msg.put("type", "0101",); String message = JSON.toJSONString(msg); //发送消息 try { amqpTemplate.convertSendAndReceive("tanhua.log.exchange", "log.user",message); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ……… } ``` #### 2.1.5 监听器处理消息 ```java @Component public class LogListener { @Autowired private LogMapper logMapper; @RabbitListener(bindings = @QueueBinding( value = @Queue( value = "tanhua.log.queue", durable = "true" ), exchange = @Exchange( value = "tanhua.log.exchange", type = ExchangeTypes.TOPIC), key = {"log.*"}) ) public void listenCreate(String message) throws Exception { try { Map<String, Object> map = JSON.parseObject(message); //1、获取数据 Long userId = (Long) map.get("userId"); String date = (String) map.get("date"); String objId = (String) map.get("objId"); String type = (String) map.get("type"); //2、保存到数据库 Log log = new Log(userId,date,type); logMapper.insert(log); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` #### 2.1.6 消息发送工具类 ```java package com.tanhua.server.service; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; import org.springframework.amqp.AmqpException; import org.springframework.amqp.core.AmqpTemplate; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; @Service public class MqMessageService { @Autowired private AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate; //发送日志消息 public void sendLogService(Long userId,String type,String key,String busId) { try { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("userId",userId.toString()); map.put("type",type); map.put("logTime",new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date())); map.put("busId",busId); String message = JSON.toJSONString(map); amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("tanhua.log.exchange", "log."+key,message); } catch (AmqpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //发送动态审核消息 public void sendAudiService(String movementId) { try { amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("tanhua.audit.exchange", "audit.movement",movementId); } catch (AmqpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` ### 2.2 AOP处理日志 项目中大量方法需要改造,加入消息处理。 不易维护且存在耦合 解决方法:使用AOP + 自定义注解 #### 2.2.1 自定义注解 ```java @Target({ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface LogConfig { //动态获取方法参数,支持SpringEL String objId() default ""; //路由的key String key(); //日志类型 String type(); } ``` #### 2.2.2 切面 ```java @Component @Aspect public class LogAspect { @Autowired private AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate; @Before(value="execution(* com.tanhua.server.service.*.*(..)) && @annotation(config)") public void checkUserState(JoinPoint pjp , LogConfig config) throws Throwable { //解析SpringEL获取动态参数 MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) pjp.getSignature(); String objId = parse(config.objId(), signature.getParameterNames(), pjp.getArgs()); //构造Map集合 Map<String, Object> msg = new HashMap<>(); msg.put("userId", UserHolder.getUserId()); msg.put("date", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date())); msg.put("objId", objId); msg.put("type", config.type()); String message = JSON.toJSONString(msg); //发送消息 try { amqpTemplate.convertSendAndReceive("tanhua.log.exchange", "log."+config.key(),message); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String parse(String expression, String[] paraNames,Object [] paras) { if(StringUtils.isEmpty(expression)) return ""; StandardEvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext(); for(int i=0;i<paraNames.length;i++) { context.setVariable(paraNames[i], paras[i]); } Expression exp = new SpelExpressionParser().parseExpression(expression); Object value = exp.getValue(context); return value == null ? "" : value.toString(); } } ``` #### 2.2.3 配置 ```java //根据id查询 @LogConfig(type = "0202",key = "movement",objId = "#movementId") public MovementsVo findById(String movementId) { //1、调用api根据id查询动态详情 Movement movement = movementApi.findById(movementId); //2、转化vo对象 if(movement != null) { UserInfo userInfo = userInfoApi.findById(movement.getUserId()); return MovementsVo.init(userInfo,movement); }else { return null; } } ``` ### 2.3 定时任务 在实际项目开发中,除了Web应用、SOA服务外,还有一类不可缺少的,那就是定时任务调度。定时任务的场景可以说非常广泛: * 某些网站会定时发送优惠邮件; * 银行系统还款日信用卡催收款; * 某些应用的生日祝福短信等。 那究竟何为定时任务调度,一句话概括就是:基于给定的时间点、给定的时间间隔、自动执行的任务 #### 2.3.1 入门案例 ##### 开启定时任务 ```java @SpringBootApplication(exclude = {MongoAutoConfiguration.class, MongoDataAutoConfiguration.class}) @MapperScan("com.tanhua.admin.mapper") @EnableScheduling //开启定时任务支持 public class AdminServerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(AdminServerApplication.class,args); } } ``` ##### 定时任务类 ```java @Component public class AnalysisTask { /** * 配置时间规则 */ @Scheduled( cron = "0/20 * * * * ? ") public void analysis() throws ParseException { //业务逻辑 String time = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); System.out.println("当前时间:"+time); } } ``` #### 2.3.2 CRON表达式 对于定时任务,我们使用的时候主要是注重两个方面,一个是定时任务的业务,另一个就是Cron表达式。 **Cron 表达式支持到六个域** | **名称** | **是否必须** | **允许值** | **特殊字符** | | -------- | ------------ | --------------- | ----------------- | | 秒 | 是 | 0-59 | `, - * /` | | 分 | 是 | 0-59 | `, - * /` | | 时 | 是 | 0-23 | `, - * /` | | 日 | 是 | 1-31 | `, - * ? / L W C` | | 月 | 是 | 1-12 或 JAN-DEC | `, - * /` | | 周 | 是 | 1-7 或 SUN-SAT | `, - * ? / L C #` | 月份和星期的名称是不区分大小写的。FRI 和 fri 是一样的。 域之间有空格分隔 - `*`:表示所有可能的值 - `/`:表示增量,例如“`0/5`”在秒字段中表示“每5秒触发一次” - `,`:表示附加多个值,例如“`MON,WED,FRI`”在星期字段中表示“周一、周三和周五” - `-`:表示区间,例如“`9-17`”在小时字段中表示“从上午9点到下午5点” - `?`:仅用于日和星期两个字段,表示不指定任何值 - `L`:仅用于日和星期两个字段,表示“最后一天”,例如“`L`”在日字段中表示“当月的最后一天” - `W`:仅用于日字段,表示最接近指定日期的工作日(周一至周五) - `C`:仅用于日和星期两个字段,表示计划执行的最近工作日或周末 - `#`:仅用于星期字段,表示该月的第几个星期几,例如“`2#3`”表示该月的第三个星期二 #### 2.3.3 定时统计 ##### AnalysisTask ```java @Component public class AnalysisTask { @Autowired private AnalysisService analysisService; /** * 配置时间规则 */ @Scheduled( cron = "0/20 * * * * ? ") public void analysis() throws ParseException { //业务逻辑 String time = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); System.out.println("开始统计:"+time); //调logService完成日志统计 analysisService.analysis(); System.out.println("结束统计"); } } ``` ##### AnalysisService ```java /** * 定时统计日志数据到统计表中 * 1、查询tb_log表中的数 (每日注册用户数,每日登陆用户,活跃的用户数据,次日留存的用户) * 2、构造AnalysisByDay对象 * 3、完成统计数据的更新或者保存 */ public void analysis() throws ParseException { String todayStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()); String yestodayStr = DateUtil.yesterday().toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //工具类 //1、统计每日注册用户数 Integer numRegistered = logMapper.queryByTypeAndLogTime("0102",todayStr); //2、统计每日登陆用户 Integer numLogin = logMapper.queryByTypeAndLogTime("0101",todayStr); //3、统计活跃的用户数 Integer numActive = logMapper.queryByLogTime(todayStr); //4、统计次日留存的用户数 Integer numRetention1d = logMapper.queryNumRetention1d(todayStr, yestodayStr); //5、根据当前时间查询AnalysisByDay数据 QueryWrapper<Analysis> qw = new QueryWrapper<>(); Date todatDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(todayStr); qw.eq("record_date", todatDate); Analysis analysis = analysisMapper.selectOne(qw); if(analysis == null) { //7、如果不存在,保存 analysis = new Analysis(); analysis.setRecordDate(todatDate); analysis.setNumRegistered(numRegistered); analysis.setNumLogin(numLogin); analysis.setNumActive(numActive); analysis.setNumRetention1d(numRetention1d); analysis.setCreated(new Date()); analysisMapper.insert(analysis); }else{ //8、如果存在,更新 analysis.setNumRegistered(numRegistered); analysis.setNumLogin(numLogin); analysis.setNumActive(numActive); analysis.setNumRetention1d(numRetention1d); analysisMapper.updateById(analysis); } } ``` ##### LogMapper ```java public interface LogMapper extends BaseMapper<Log> { @Select("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM tb_log WHERE TYPE=#{type} AND log_time=#{logTime}") Integer queryByTypeAndLogTime(@Param("type") String type, @Param("logTime") String logTime); //根据操作时间和类型 @Select("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM tb_log WHERE log_time=#{logTime}") Integer queryByLogTime(String logTime); //展示记录时间查询 @Select("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM tb_log WHERE log_time=#{today} AND user_id IN (\n " + " SELECT user_id FROM tb_log WHERE TYPE=\"0102\" AND log_time=#{yestoday} \n " + ")") Integer queryNumRetention1d(@Param("today") String today,@Param("yestoday") String yestoday); //查询次日留存 } ``` ##### 测试数据 为了方便操作,可以通过以下单元测试方法。保存若干操作数据 ```java package com.tanhua.manager.test; import com.tanhua.manager.domain.Log; import com.tanhua.manager.mapper.LogMapper; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; import java.util.Random; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest public class LogTest { @Autowired private LogMapper logMapper; private String logTime = ""; //模拟登录数据 public void testInsertLoginLog() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Log log = new Log(); log.setUserId((long)(i+1)); log.setLogTime(logTime); log.setType("0101"); logMapper.insert(log); } } //模拟注册数据 public void testInsertRegistLog() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Log log = new Log(); log.setUserId((long)(i+1)); log.setLogTime(logTime); log.setType("0102"); logMapper.insert(log); } } //模拟其他操作 public void testInsertOtherLog() { String[] types = new String[]{"0201","0202","0203","0204","0205","0206","0207","0301","0302","0303","0304"}; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Log log = new Log(); log.setUserId((long)(i+1)); log.setLogTime(logTime); int index = new Random().nextInt(10); log.setType(types[index]); logMapper.insert(log); } } @Test public void generData() { testInsertLoginLog(); testInsertRegistLog(); testInsertOtherLog(); } } ``` ### 2.4 首页统计 ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/924868188.png) #### 2.4.1 vo对象 ```java @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor public class AnalysisSummaryVo { /** * 累计用户数 */ private Long cumulativeUsers; /** * 过去30天活跃用户数 */ private Long activePassMonth; /** * 过去7天活跃用户 */ private Long activePassWeek; /** * 今日新增用户数量 */ private Long newUsersToday; /** * 今日新增用户涨跌率,单位百分数,正数为涨,负数为跌 */ private BigDecimal newUsersTodayRate; /** * 今日登录次数 */ private Long loginTimesToday; /** * 今日登录次数涨跌率,单位百分数,正数为涨,负数为跌 */ private BigDecimal loginTimesTodayRate; /** * 今日活跃用户数量 */ private Long activeUsersToday; /** * 今日活跃用户涨跌率,单位百分数,正数为涨,负数为跌 */ private BigDecimal activeUsersTodayRate; } ``` #### 2.4.2 DashboardController ```java @RestController @RequestMapping("/dashboard") public class DashboardController { @Autowired private AnalysisService analysisService; /** * 概要统计信息 */ @GetMapping("/dashboard/summary") public AnalysisSummaryVo getSummary() { AnalysisSummaryVo analysisSummaryVo = new AnalysisSummaryVo(); DateTime dateTime = DateUtil.parseDate("2020-09-08"); //累计用户数 analysisSummaryVo.setCumulativeUsers(Long.valueOf(1000)); //过去30天活跃用户 analysisSummaryVo.setActivePassMonth(this.analysisService.queryActiveUserCount(dateTime, -30)); //过去7天活跃用户 analysisSummaryVo.setActivePassWeek(this.analysisService.queryActiveUserCount(dateTime, -7)); //今日活跃用户 analysisSummaryVo.setActiveUsersToday(this.analysisService.queryActiveUserCount(dateTime, 0)); //今日新增用户 analysisSummaryVo.setNewUsersToday(this.analysisService.queryRegisterUserCount(dateTime, 0)); //今日新增用户涨跌率,单位百分数,正数为涨,负数为跌 analysisSummaryVo.setNewUsersTodayRate(computeRate( analysisSummaryVo.getNewUsersToday(), this.analysisService.queryRegisterUserCount(dateTime, -1) )); //今日登录次数 analysisSummaryVo.setLoginTimesToday(this.analysisService.queryLoginUserCount(dateTime, 0)); //今日登录次数涨跌率,单位百分数,正数为涨,负数为跌 analysisSummaryVo.setLoginTimesTodayRate(computeRate( analysisSummaryVo.getLoginTimesToday(), this.analysisService.queryLoginUserCount(dateTime, -1) )); return analysisSummaryVo; } private static BigDecimal computeRate(Long current, Long last) { BigDecimal result; if (last == 0) { // 当上一期计数为零时,此时环比增长为倍数增长 result = new BigDecimal((current - last) * 100); } else { result = BigDecimal.valueOf((current - last) * 100).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(last), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN); } return result; } private static String offsetDay(Date date,int offSet) { return DateUtil.offsetDay(date,offSet).toDateStr(); } } ``` #### 2.4.3 AnalysisService ```java /** * 查询活跃用户的数量 */ public Long queryActiveUserCount(DateTime today, int offset) { return this.queryUserCount(today, offset, "num_active"); } /** * 查询注册用户的数量 */ public Long queryRegisterUserCount(DateTime today, int offset) { return this.queryUserCount(today, offset, "num_registered"); } /** * 查询登录用户的数量 */ public Long queryLoginUserCount(DateTime today, int offset) { return this.queryUserCount(today, offset, "num_login"); } private Long queryAnalysisCount(String column,String today,String offset){ return analysisMapper.sumAnalysisData(column,leDate,dtDate); } ``` #### 2.4.4 AnalysisMapper ```java public interface AnalysisMapper extends BaseMapper<Analysis> { @Select("select sum(${column}) from tb_analysis where record_date > #{leDate} and record_date < #{gtDate}") Long sumAnalysisData(@Param("column") String column, @Param("leDate") String leDate, @Param("gtDate") String gtDate); } ``` ## 3、内容审核 内容安全是识别服务,支持对图片、视频、文本、语音等对象进行多样化场景检测,有效降低内容违规风险。 目前很多平台都支持内容检测,如阿里云、腾讯云、百度AI、网易云等国内大型互联网公司都对外提供了API。 按照性能和收费来看,探花交友项目使用的就是阿里云的内容安全接口,使用到了图片和文本的审核。 ### 3.1 阿里云内容审核 #### 3.1.1 准备工作 1,前往[阿里云官网](https://www.aliyun.com/)注册账号 2,打开[云盾内容安全产品试用页面](https://promotion.aliyun.com/ntms/act/lvwangdemo.html),单击立即开通,正式开通服务 ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/3948167876.png) 3,在[AccessKey管理页面](https://ak-console.aliyun.com/#/accesskey)管理您的AccessKeyID和AccessKeySecret ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/1255775351.png) #### 3.1.2 文本内容垃圾检测 文本垃圾内容检测:[点击访问](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/70439.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.6.659.35ac3db3l0wV5k) 文本垃圾内容Java SDK: [点击访问](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/53427.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.6.717.466d7544QbU8Lr ) ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/1424293211.png) #### 3.1.3 图片审核 ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/785861815.png) 图片垃圾内容Java SDK: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/53424.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.6.715.c8f69b12ey35j4 #### 3.1.4 抽取工具 ##### GreenProperties ```java @Data @ConfigurationProperties("tanhua.green") public class GreenProperties { /** * 账号 */ String accessKeyID; /** * 密钥 */ String accessKeySecret; /** * 场景 */ String scenes; } ``` ##### AliyunGreenTemplate ```java package com.tanhua.autoconfig.template; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject; import com.aliyuncs.DefaultAcsClient; import com.aliyuncs.IAcsClient; import com.aliyuncs.green.model.v20180509.ImageSyncScanRequest; import com.aliyuncs.green.model.v20180509.TextScanRequest; import com.aliyuncs.http.FormatType; import com.aliyuncs.http.HttpResponse; import com.aliyuncs.http.MethodType; import com.aliyuncs.http.ProtocolType; import com.aliyuncs.profile.DefaultProfile; import com.aliyuncs.profile.IClientProfile; import com.tanhua.autoconfig.properties.GreenProperties; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import java.util.*; /** * @author: itheima * @create: 2021-05-31 00:46 */ @Slf4j public class AliyunGreenTemplate { private IAcsClient client; private GreenProperties greenProperties; public AliyunGreenTemplate(GreenProperties greenProperties) { this.greenProperties = greenProperties; try { IClientProfile profile = DefaultProfile .getProfile("cn-shanghai", greenProperties.getAccessKeyID(), greenProperties.getAccessKeySecret()); DefaultProfile .addEndpoint("cn-shanghai", "cn-shanghai", "Green", "green.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com"); client = new DefaultAcsClient(profile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("Green配置缺失,请补充!"); } } /** * 阿里云文本内容检查 * * @param content * @return map key - suggestion内容 * pass:文本正常,可以直接放行, * review:文本需要进一步人工审核, * block:文本违规,可以直接删除或者限制公开 * value - 通过,或 出错原因 * @throws Exception */ public Map<String, String> greenTextScan(String content) throws Exception { TextScanRequest textScanRequest = new TextScanRequest(); textScanRequest.setAcceptFormat(FormatType.JSON); // 指定api返回格式 textScanRequest.setHttpContentType(FormatType.JSON); textScanRequest.setMethod(MethodType.POST); // 指定请求方法 textScanRequest.setEncoding("UTF-8"); textScanRequest.setRegionId("cn-shanghai"); List<Map<String, Object>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Object> task1 = new LinkedHashMap<>(); task1.put("dataId", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); /** * 待检测的文本,长度不超过10000个字符 */ task1.put("content", content); tasks.add(task1); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); /** * 检测场景,文本垃圾检测传递:antispam **/ data.put("scenes", Arrays.asList("antispam")); data.put("tasks", tasks); log.info("检测任务内容:{}", JSON.toJSONString(data, true)); textScanRequest.setHttpContent(data.toJSONString().getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8", FormatType.JSON); // 请务必设置超时时间 textScanRequest.setConnectTimeout(3000); textScanRequest.setReadTimeout(6000); // 返回结果内容 Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<>(); try { HttpResponse httpResponse = client.doAction(textScanRequest); if (!httpResponse.isSuccess()) { new RuntimeException("阿里云文本内容检查出现异常!"); } JSONObject scrResponse = JSON.parseObject(new String(httpResponse.getHttpContent(), "UTF-8")); log.info("检测结果内容:{}", JSON.toJSONString(scrResponse, true)); if (200 != scrResponse.getInteger("code")) { new RuntimeException("阿里云文本内容检查出现异常!"); } JSONArray taskResults = scrResponse.getJSONArray("data"); for (Object taskResult : taskResults) { if (200 != ((JSONObject) taskResult).getInteger("code")) { new RuntimeException("阿里云文本内容检查出现异常!"); } JSONArray sceneResults = ((JSONObject) taskResult).getJSONArray("results"); for (Object sceneResult : sceneResults) { String scene = ((JSONObject) sceneResult).getString("scene"); String label = ((JSONObject) sceneResult).getString("label"); String suggestion = ((JSONObject) sceneResult).getString("suggestion"); log.info("最终内容检测结果,suggestion = {},label={}", suggestion, label); // 设置默认错误返回内容 resultMap.put("suggestion", suggestion); if (suggestion.equals("review")) { resultMap.put("reson", "文章内容中有不确定词汇"); log.info("返回结果,resultMap={}", resultMap); return resultMap; } else if (suggestion.equals("block")) { String reson = "文章内容中有敏感词汇"; if (label.equals("spam")) { reson = "文章内容中含垃圾信息"; } else if (label.equals("ad")) { reson = "文章内容中含有广告"; } else if (label.equals("politics")) { reson = "文章内容中含有涉政"; } else if (label.equals("terrorism")) { reson = "文章内容中含有暴恐"; } else if (label.equals("abuse")) { reson = "文章内容中含有辱骂"; } else if (label.equals("porn")) { reson = "文章内容中含有色情"; } else if (label.equals("flood")) { reson = "文章内容灌水"; } else if (label.equals("contraband")) { reson = "文章内容违禁"; } else if (label.equals("meaningless")) { reson = "文章内容无意义"; } resultMap.put("reson", reson); log.info("返回结果,resultMap={}", resultMap); return resultMap; } } } resultMap.put("suggestion", "pass"); resultMap.put("reson", "检测通过"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("阿里云文本内容检查出错!"); e.printStackTrace(); new RuntimeException("阿里云文本内容检查出错!"); } log.info("返回结果,resultMap={}", resultMap); return resultMap; } /** * 阿里云图片内容安全 */ public Map imageScan(List<String> imageList) throws Exception { IClientProfile profile = DefaultProfile .getProfile("cn-shanghai", greenProperties.getAccessKeyID(), greenProperties.getAccessKeySecret()); ImageSyncScanRequest imageSyncScanRequest = new ImageSyncScanRequest(); // 指定api返回格式 imageSyncScanRequest.setAcceptFormat(FormatType.JSON); // 指定请求方法 imageSyncScanRequest.setMethod(MethodType.POST); imageSyncScanRequest.setEncoding("utf-8"); //支持http和https imageSyncScanRequest.setProtocol(ProtocolType.HTTP); JSONObject httpBody = new JSONObject(); /** * 设置要检测的场景, 计费是按照该处传递的场景进行 * 一次请求中可以同时检测多张图片,每张图片可以同时检测多个风险场景,计费按照场景计算 * 例如:检测2张图片,场景传递porn、terrorism,计费会按照2张图片鉴黄,2张图片暴恐检测计算 * porn: porn表示色情场景检测 */ httpBody.put("scenes", Arrays.asList(greenProperties.getScenes().split(","))); /** * 如果您要检测的文件存于本地服务器上,可以通过下述代码片生成url * 再将返回的url作为图片地址传递到服务端进行检测 */ /** * 设置待检测图片, 一张图片一个task * 多张图片同时检测时,处理的时间由最后一个处理完的图片决定 * 通常情况下批量检测的平均rt比单张检测的要长, 一次批量提交的图片数越多,rt被拉长的概率越高 * 这里以单张图片检测作为示例, 如果是批量图片检测,请自行构建多个task */ List list = new ArrayList(); for (String imageUrl : imageList) { JSONObject task = new JSONObject(); task.put("dataId", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // 设置图片链接。 task.put("url", imageUrl); task.put("time", new Date()); list.add(task); } httpBody.put("tasks",list); imageSyncScanRequest.setHttpContent(org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils.getBytesUtf8(httpBody.toJSONString()), "UTF-8", FormatType.JSON); /** * 请设置超时时间, 服务端全链路处理超时时间为10秒,请做相应设置 * 如果您设置的ReadTimeout小于服务端处理的时间,程序中会获得一个read timeout异常 */ imageSyncScanRequest.setConnectTimeout(3000); imageSyncScanRequest.setReadTimeout(10000); HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { httpResponse = client.doAction(imageSyncScanRequest); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<>(); //服务端接收到请求,并完成处理返回的结果 if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.isSuccess()) { JSONObject scrResponse = JSON.parseObject(org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils.newStringUtf8(httpResponse.getHttpContent())); System.out.println(JSON.toJSONString(scrResponse, true)); int requestCode = scrResponse.getIntValue("code"); //每一张图片的检测结果 JSONArray taskResults = scrResponse.getJSONArray("data"); if (200 == requestCode) { for (Object taskResult : taskResults) { //单张图片的处理结果 int taskCode = ((JSONObject) taskResult).getIntValue("code"); //图片要检测的场景的处理结果, 如果是多个场景,则会有每个场景的结果 JSONArray sceneResults = ((JSONObject) taskResult).getJSONArray("results"); if (200 == taskCode) { for (Object sceneResult : sceneResults) { String scene = ((JSONObject) sceneResult).getString("scene"); String label = ((JSONObject) sceneResult).getString("label"); String suggestion = ((JSONObject) sceneResult).getString("suggestion"); //根据scene和suggetion做相关处理 //do something System.out.println("scene = [" + scene + "]"); System.out.println("suggestion = [" + suggestion + "]"); System.out.println("suggestion = [" + label + "]"); if (!suggestion.equals("pass")) { resultMap.put("suggestion", suggestion); resultMap.put("label", label); return resultMap; } } } else { //单张图片处理失败, 原因视具体的情况详细分析 log.error("task process fail. task response:" + JSON.toJSONString(taskResult)); return null; } } resultMap.put("suggestion", "pass"); return resultMap; } else { /** * 表明请求整体处理失败,原因视具体的情况详细分析 */ log.error("the whole image scan request failed. response:" + JSON.toJSONString(scrResponse)); return null; } } return null; } } ``` ##### TanhuaAutoConfiguration ```java @Bean @ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "tanhua.green",value = "enable", havingValue = "true") public AliyunGreenTemplate aliyunGreenTemplate(GreenProperties properties) { return new AliyunGreenTemplate(properties); } ``` ##### 配置文件 ```yml tanhua: green: enable: true accessKeyID: LTAI4GKgob9vZ53k2SZdyAC7 accessKeySecret: LHLBvXmILRoyw0niRSBuXBZewQ30la scenes: porn,terrorism #色情,暴力 ``` ##### 单元测试 ```java @Autowired private AliyunGreenTemplate template; @Test public void test() throws Exception { // Long data = analysisMapper.sumAnalysisData("num_registered", "2020-09-14", "2020-09-18"); // System.out.println(data); // Map<String, String> map = template.greenTextScan("本校小额贷款,安全、快捷、方便、无抵押,随机随贷,当天放款,上门服务"); // map.forEach((k,v)-> System.out.println(k +"--" + v)); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("http://images.china.cn/site1000/2018-03/17/dfd4002e-f965-4e7c-9e04-6b72c601d952.jpg"); Map<String, String> map = template.imageScan(list); System.out.println("------------"); map.forEach((k,v)-> System.out.println(k +"--" + v)); } ``` ### 3.2 动态审核 #### 3.2.1 执行流程 为了解决程序间耦合关系,这里采用RabbitMQ + 阿里云完成内容审核 * 用户发布动态,保存到数据库 * 发送RabbitMQ消息 * 管理后台监听消息,对内容(文本、图片审核) * 更新动态的状态 ![](https://blog.fivk.cn/usr/uploads/2023/09/3446613974.png) #### 3.2.2 发布消息 ```java public void publishMovement(Movement movement, MultipartFile[] imageContent) throws IOException { //1、判断发布动态的内容是否存在 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(movement.getTextContent())) { throw new BusinessException(ErrorResult.contentError()); } //2、获取当前登录的用户id Long userId = UserHolder.getUserId(); //3、将文件内容上传到阿里云OSS,获取请求地址 List<String> medias = new ArrayList<>(); for (MultipartFile multipartFile : imageContent) { String upload = ossTemplate.upload(multipartFile.getOriginalFilename(), multipartFile.getInputStream()); medias.add(upload); } //4、将数据封装到Movement对象 movement.setUserId(userId); movement.setMedias(medias); //5、调用API完成发布动态 String movementId = movementApi.publish(movement); try { amqpTemplate.convertSendAndReceive("tanhua.audit.exchange","audit.movement",movementId); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ``` #### 3.2.3 监听器 ```java @Component public class MovementListener { @DubboReference private MovementApi movementApi; @Autowired private AliyunGreenTemplate aliyunGreenTemplate; @RabbitListener(bindings = @QueueBinding( value = @Queue( value = "tanhua.audit.queue", durable = "true" ), exchange = @Exchange( value = "tanhua.audit.exchange", type = ExchangeTypes.TOPIC), key = {"audit.movement"}) ) public void listenCreate(String movementId) throws Exception { try { //1、根据动态id查询动态 Movement movement = movementApi.findById(movementId); //对于RocketMQ消息有可能出现重复,解决方法判断 (幂等性) Integer state = 0; if(movement != null && movement.getState() == 0) { Map<String, String> textScan = aliyunGreenTemplate.greenTextScan(movement.getTextContent()); Map<String, String> imageScan = aliyunGreenTemplate.imageScan(movement.getMedias()); if(textScan != null && imageScan != null) { String textSuggestion = textScan.get("suggestion"); String imageSuggestion = imageScan.get("suggestion"); if ("block".equals(textSuggestion) || "block".equals(textSuggestion)){ state = 2; }else if("pass".equals(textSuggestion) || "pass".equals(textSuggestion)) { state = 1; } } } movementApi.update(movementId,state); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` #### 3.2.4 movementApi ```java @Override public void update(String movementId, Integer state) { Query query = Query.query(Criteria.where("id").in(new ObjectId(movementId))); Update update = Update.update("state", state); mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query,update,Movement.class); } ``` ``` 最后修改:2023 年 09 月 07 日 © 允许规范转载 打赏 赞赏作者 支付宝微信 赞 如果觉得我的文章对你有用,请随意赞赏